Here’s Where The Lord Currently Pencils My Life
It is both a privilege and an honour that I get to serve with some of the finest people on Earth through various ministries.
Beats and Books
After many years of serving under the Leadership Experience (LXP) Trust, my brainchild finally got into the registry of NPOs in South Africa in 2021. Every day I think of how we can sustainably create environments where children can thrive musically, intellectually and spiritually. Beats and Books for me is an unravelling dream come true.
NPO Solutions
Born out of a passion for websites and tent-making, NPO Solutions is now a fully-fledged income-generating activity under Beats and Books. The vision here is to equip young people with digital skills in a way that they can learn and earn in a global market. NPO Solutions seeks to equip disciples with transferable skills while promoting visibility for causes.
Global Community Church
I co-lead our church where we equip and encourage our community with teachings and resources that will stir hearts for Jesus and nations. An amazing opportunity.
Oakridge Academy
My other favourite place where life-impacting learning happens is Oakridge Academy in Jeffreys Bay. It’s been delightful serving on the Advisory board and getting involved in the spiritual formation of their students.